Unemployed Americans Speak Out as Benefits are Slashed at Christmas
Unless Congress acts, millions of Americans will be left with no benefits in an economy where the average length of unemployment is more than 37 weeks.
Why Are Republicans Socking It to the Unemployed?
If Republicans really want Americans to get back to work, then it's time for them to support the policies and legislation that will put them back to work.
Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on Budget Deal
It is shocking that Republicans have refused to include an extension of unemployment benefits in today's budget agreement.
Is There Something in the Water in Seattle?
The area has seen dramatic actions by and on behalf of workers in the past few months.
Charters Get Kids Cubicle-Ready
Rocketeers, as students are called, sit looking at computer screens up to two hours per day, supposedly learning by solving puzzles.
A Poor Educational System
A majority of US professors are now adjuncts working on a contingent basis.
Conservatives and Progressives Agree: Congress Should Not Cut Unemployment Benefits
Extremists who think government support for the unemployed is holding the economy back don't have the facts on their side.
November Job Growth Pushes Unemployment Rate Down to 7.0 Percent
The number of people involuntarily working part-time fell sharply in November.
Inequality Diminishes America’s Freedom
How free are you when you're paid poverty wages? Not very free at all.
The Time Has Come for $15 Minimum Wage
If it wasn't for such laws as the minimum wage, bosses would reduce workers' wages and benefits to near zero.