
Economy Adds 192,000 Jobs in March, Unemployment Rate Unchanged
The ACA appears to be allowing workers to opt for part-time jobs and older workers to retire early.

When Capitalism Fails, a Job Should Still Be a Right
Every American should have the right to a good-paying job that lets them provide for themselves and their families.

Four Postal Unions Bury the Hatchet To Save Services, Standards
With all these wolves circling at the gates, you'd think the postal unions would have banded together to fight as one. Sadly, for whatever reason, that has not been …

Dean Baker | The Texas-California Job Growth Derby
In recent months conservatives have been boasting about the strong job growth of red state Texas compared to the much weaker job growth of blue state California. It's worth …

Oh, the Humanity
There are now some 5.66 million missing workers in the United States, neither counted nor accounted for. To notice them would be to raise the unemployment rate to at …

Robert Pollin: Congressional Progressive Caucus Budget Strikes Back Against Austerity
The Congressional Progressive Caucus's budget would increase spending on education, healthcare and the green economy while rolling back cuts against social services.

DC Teacher Evaluation Errors Burn Teachers and Students
Evaluation scores used to determine which teachers are retained, rewarded, and even fired were miscalculated for the last school year, DC teachers learned shortly before Christmas.

Economy Adds 175,000 Jobs in February, Despite Bad Weather
Unemployment in construction is lower than in the pre-boom years.

JOBS, Again
The 21st century United States needs many services the private sector doesn't provide so well, such as preschool and post-secondary education and health and dental care.

The first article in a new series previews 16 topics that should be on every progressive's agenda for 2016.