
Netanyahu – Unlike Olmert – Refuses Explicit Iran Attack Threat
The perception that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is threatening to attack Iranu2019s nuclear facilities unless sanctions and diplomacy succeed in shutting them down has been the driving force …

Beyond Nuclear Denial
How a World-Ending Weapon Disappeared From Our Lives, But Not Our World

A Primer on the Colonialism of Israel’s Settlers
Successful settler colonies displace or exterminate the indigenous sovereignty.

Occupying the Jewish Question
The effort to smear Occupy Wall Street as an anti-Semitic movement came to a head last week, when The Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI) released an ad, following, as …

Petraeus’s CIA Fuels Iran Murder Plot
Former Gen. Petraeus has long been eager to please the neoconservatives in Washington and their friends in Israel by creating “intelligence” to portray Iran and other target countries in …

Public Support for Israel
What does the public really think about aiding Israel?

The End of (Military) History?
What’s the point of constantly using our superb military if doing so doesn’t actually work?