Iraq in Crisis: Militant Advance Sparks Mass Displacement as “Failed” US Experiment Disintegrates
Iraq is on the brink of disintegration as Sunni militants seize more towns and now set their sights on the capital Baghdad.
Don’t Walk Away From War: It’s Not the American Way
Here are five straightforward lessons that could be drawn from that last half century of every kind of American warfare.
Scapegoating Another American Veteran
The scapegoating of Bowe Bergdahl is a political diversion away from the illegal and failed policies in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Leading Alarmist on Iran Ignored What He Knew Was True
David Albright, the primary nonofficial source in reporting that Iran presents a nuclear weapons threat, has acted more like a functionary in a political apparatus than as an independent …
Warmonger Media Storm Against Saving Sgt. Bergdahl Shows Why We Have So Much War
The political forces that are trashing the deal to rescue Sgt. Bergdahl are the same political forces that got us into the Iraq war and who want to keep …
The Real Villains of the Bergdahl Tale
The right-wing media is denouncing Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl as a “deserter” who wasn't worth ransoming from the Taliban, but the real villains are the architects of the disastrous Iraq …
Ex-Counterterrorism Czar Richard Clarke: Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld Committed War Crimes
Richard Clarke, the nation's former top counterterrorism official, says he believes President George W. Bush is guilty of war crimes for launching the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Former Counterterrorism Czar Richard Clarke: US Drone Program Under Obama “Got Out of Hand”
“The excessive secrecy is as counterproductive as some of the strikes are,” says Richard Clarke.
The Tragedy Unfolding on the American Homefront
While a teenager recently fatally shot his veteran father in self-defense, the national conversation failed to register that although veterans must be held accountable.
Moral Robots for the Pentagon? Let’s Work on Pentagon Morality First
While the Navy figures out how to inject human morals into the computers of future fighting robots, it's clear the Department of Defense has major work to do instilling …