Iraq War
An Open Letter to Humanitarian Interventionists
Calls for US military action in Iraq and Syria in response to the tragic killings of westerners ignore the wider context of instability in the Middle East.
Lessons Learned in the Bucca Camp
The US war in Iraq is the longest in the country's history. The United States invasion that began in 2003 left over a million people dead.
Nationalist Illusions
After thousands of years of bloody wars among contending tribes, regions, and nations, is it finally possible to dispense with the chauvinist ideas of the past?
A Call for a New New Lincoln Brigade
It is the sign of a sick country when the people worship authority.
Who Pays the Pro-War Pundits? Conflicts of Interest Exposed for TV Guests Backing Military Action
A new report finds many talking heads who have been fanning the flames of war in the news media have ties to Pentagon contractors.
Is There a Diplomatic Solution to ISIS Crisis? US Could Turn to Aid, Arms Embargo and Engaging Foes
An international summit on combating militants from the Islamic State has opened in France, bringing together around 30 countries from a US-led coalition.
William Rivers Pitt | The Pleasant Fiction of “No Boots on the Ground“
The fact that ISIS controls Mosul is not compatible with the idea that air strikes alone can accomplish the president's plan. Ground troops will be required.
How the Defense Industry Bankrolls Pro-War Pundits
The US military media industrial complex is corrupting our airwaves.
“Insanity”: CODEPINK’s Medea Benjamin on Obama Plan to Bomb Syria, Expand Iraq Attacks
The Pentagon has announced it will soon start flying bombing missions out of the Kurdish region of northern Iraq as part of an expanded US-led military campaign against militants …
The Bennis Plan: Here Is a Real Strategy for Dealing With ISIS
Institute for Policy Studies fellow Phyllis Bennis says military strategies have failed; only a political and diplomatic solution will work.