With a rise in the number of Latin American indigenous groups drawing legal boundaries around their territories, neoliberal governments are attempting to grant access to transnational corporations to indigenous …
The Zapatista "struggle is our struggle, everywhere, in every city, in every country of the world. We are in a very difficult moment, in a terrible moment of humankind, …
It is apparent that in the centuries that have since passed, the indigenous peoples of the Andes such as those in Andahuaylillas were not necessarily persuaded towards what was …
More than 30,000 members of the Mayagna indigenous community are in danger of disappearing, along with the rainforest which is their home in Nicaragua.
Almost 18,000 other people who had lived in the 50-kilometre radius of Chivi basin in Zimbabwe's Masvingo province were forcibly removed after flooding - but the community believes it …