Indigenous Peoples
Is Standing Rock the Oil Industry’s Last Stand? It’s Up to Us to Make It So
The struggle in Standing Rock is at a profound turning point.
Ecuador’s Legal Battle With Chevron Foreshadows Global Corporate Coup D’état
Agreements like the TPP allow corporations to turn the world's natural resources into profit at any human cost.
Why I Dropped Everything to Head to Standing Rock
All man-made things break, and this pipe, these wells, will break in time.
On Melting Ice: Inuit Struggle Against Oil and Gas in the Arctic
The Inuit in the Canadian Arctic who are opposing oil and gas development are also fighting for self-determination.
Dismantling Columbus and the Power of the Present
Native resistance makes it clear that everyone is implicated in the struggle to protect the planet. No one has the luxury of retreat.
US Imports of Amazon Crude Oil Driving Expansion of Oil Operations
Crude oil imported to the US from the Amazon is driving expansion of oil operations into the rainforest, says a new report.
Why We Are Singing for Water at Standing Rock, in Front of Men With Guns and Surveillance Helicopters
“We were water beings from the beginning. The river was our Grandmother and supplied everything we needed to survive,” writes Linda Hogan.
Is Indigenous People’s Day the Answer?
The United States promotes a culture of historical erasure by highlighting the legacy of Christopher Columbus.
The Meaning of Armored Vehicles Rolling Toward Standing Rock
US tribes share narratives with the world's Indigenous Peoples — the Dakota Access standoff is amplifying a global movement.
Standing Together to Protect the Earth
Let us join our collective voices together and tell our leaders that we are no longer going to stay silent while our precious Mother Earth gets abused.