
Haiti’s Humanitarian Crisis Reveals the Human Costs of US Interventionism
The cycle of crisis in Haiti and Colombia reveals that interventionism is not simply an event but a system.

As COVID Travel Restrictions Ease, It’s Past Time to Repeal Title 42
Title 42 continues to be used more as a tool of immigration policy than as a legitimate response to the pandemic.

Deported to Haiti, Activist Jean Montrevil Returns to US on Special Parole
ICE targeted Montrevil for his immigration activism, using a decades-old conviction as pretext to deport him.

Biden Has Outpaced Trump’s Use of Title 42 to Expel Asylum Seekers
President Joe Biden has used Title 42 to expel migrants over a remote border crossing between Guatemala and Mexico.

Family Searches for Father Missing in Texas Desert as Border Deaths Peak
Armando Alejo Hernández was an undocumented worker in the U.S for more than a decade before being deported in 2016.

Liberal Pleas for “Unity” Legitimize the Virulent Politics of the Far Right
Unity isn’t the answer. Just because Biden’s in charge doesn’t mean we should be less alarmed about U.S. state violence.

Trump Is Gone, But the US Is Still Putting Migrants Through Hell
It is the tyranny of normalcy that allows our government to perpetrate atrocities.

Top State Department Official Resigns, Saying Haitian Deportations Violate Law
The Biden administration has deported thousands of Haitians in the past few weeks alone.

Biden’s Expulsion of Haitian Migrants Is Racist, Illegal — and Trumpian
Biden is continuing former president Donald Trump’s policy of misusing Title 42 in violation of U.S. treaty obligations.

Fight to Close Guantánamo Urgent as Biden Plans New Migrant Jail at Base
The Biden administration is advertising for a new contract to operate a migrant detention facility at Guantánamo.