Rally for Citizenship: Tens of Thousands Flood Capitol Hill in Massive Call for Humane Reform
Tens of thousands of immigrants from around the country joined allies from the labor movement and beyond to “Rally for Citizenship” Wednesday in Washington, DC.
New Report Exposes Extreme ALEC Agenda in Arizona
Seventeen bills introduced in the Arizona legislature in 2013 can be tied to the American Legislative Exchange Council.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Immigration Reform Rallies Spread From Coast to Coast, and More
Yesterday, thousands rallied around our nation to urge Congress to enact comprehensive immigration reform.
El Salvador’s Gang Problem: A Difficult Artifact of Globalization
El Salvador's gang problem is a reminder of the country's ongoing position as economic punching bag.
What Immigration Could Mean for American Workers
The question is whether itu2019s a good deal for American workers.
Is Gender Justice Getting Shafted in Immigration Reform?
Immigrant women's labor, whether it's off the books, or on payroll, is fueling the economy.
Farmworkers Feed Nation, But Few Have Health Care
Around 75 percent of farmworkers hired in the United States lack health insurance, the highest proportion of any major occupational category.
The True Cost of Food: Immigration and Agriculture Workers
Real reform could protect workers from unsafe conditions, but not in time for Modesto Hernandez, who may never recover the full use of his feet.
Business and Labor Unite on Immigration Reform, But Future Uncertain
The AFL-CIO and Chamber of Commerce are recommending a new type of immigration visa program that is not tied to single employers.
Rally Against Deportations in Phoenix
Protest organized by families broken by immigration deportations.