Health Care
Skipping Doses: Why We Need a Single-Payer Health Care System
When we deny someone a vital medication, we strip them of their right to live, says Karyn Wofford, who has Type 1 diabetes.
“The Lives of Millions Are at Stake”: Citizens Shut Down Capitol Hill to Protect Health Care
The longer the health care repeal is fought and delayed, the less successful Trump, Paul Ryan and the Senate are going to be.
Lessons From Vermont: What the State’s Successes and Setbacks Should Teach Us About Single-Payer
Lawmakers could learn valuable lessons from activists working to enact Vermont's single-payer health care law.
As Single-Payer Gains Momentum, 1 Adult in Every 830 Lacking Insurance Will Die
Two-million more Americans are without health insurance thus far in 2017.
Will the UN “Leave No One Behind” and Improve LGBTI Health and Well-Being?
Research on the health and well-being of LGBTQI populations is inadequate and incomplete in much of the world.
Dahr Jamail | The GOP’s Health Care Legislation Is Cruel and Punitive, Doctors Say
The GOP's health plan and discussion around it is both appalling and embarrassing, say health care professionals.
To Fix the ACA, We Do Not Need a Public Option, We Need a Private Extraction
Removing private interests could be the simple solution to fixing the Affordable Care Act.
Keeping Up the Pressure: Using Town Halls to Fight Trumpcare and Demand Single-Payer
Town halls are a good way of reminding lawmakers that voters in 2018 will remember incumbents' votes on health care.
The Battles Ahead: Meet the Biggest Opponents of Single-Payer
Medicare for All has massive public support but only meager support in Congress. Here's why.
Why Market Competition Has Not Brought Down Health Care Costs
We won't be able to control health costs until we revamp the system with something like single-payer.