Health Care
Women’s Longevity Declining in Parts of the US
The last time life expectancy fell for a large number of American women was 1918, due to Spanish influenza.
CEO’s Revenge
Copyright Universal UClick.
How Washington Insiders Bar Economic Reality From Political Debate
DC's self-anointed serious people love to exclude critics of their self-serving arguments by painting their warnings as shrill.
Truthout Radio with Michael Lerner: the Caring Society
Michael Lerner makes the case that liberals and progressives need to articulate exactly what they stand for in order to move the country (and the world) away from militarism, …
Five Things to Watch for in Obama’s Second Term
Itu2019s our job to apply pressure where it will move us toward shared prosperity, ecological balance and deep democracy.
Is The War on Drugs “All About the Money”?
Stephen Downing,a retired deputy chief of police for the Los Angeles Police Department and Terry Nelson, retired from Department of Homeland Security on why they support treating addiction as …
Applebee’s CEO and Millionare Zane Tankel vs. Working Americans
The so-called job creator complained on FOX News about all the money the Obamacare mandate will cost him to provide health care to his workers.
Elites Demanding Austerity Also Ignored Housing Bubble
We shouldn't trust the same people who ignored the housing bubble when they tell us we need to more cuts to social programs.
National Nurses: Message from Working People to Wall Street – America is Not for Sale
National Nurses United, the nationu2019s largest union and professional association of registered nurses sends a message to Obama to protect the medical rights of citizens across the nation.
Kansas, Missouri Won’t Set Up Health Insurance Exchanges
States have less than a week to decide whether they will set up insurance exchange markets or whether the government will step in. Kansas, reluctantly, chose federal intervention.