Health Care
Dying To Give Back To the Earth
The funeral industry is, by and large, a $20 billion for-profit enterprise, whose environmental impact has been greatly overlooked.
With Hippocratic Oath, Doctors Pledge Allegiance To Patients, Not Profits
It's pretty unusual for two-thirds of a group of doctors to agree on something as controversial as a single-payer health care system.
Why Is It That So Many Reporters Seem To Know So Little About Obamacare?
A great many reporters and editors at our most esteemed media outlets know very little about the policies available in the Exchanges.
The TPP Tries to Put a “No Exit” Sign on America’s Crapified Health Care System by Allowing Medical Procedures to be Patented World-wide
Hundreds of thousands of people increasingly look to medical tourism to exit the brutal and hideously expensive US health care rental extraction device system.
The Story of Atalissa Highlights America’s Long-Term Care Problem
America's health care system neglects people who require long-term care and denies them the opportunity to lead full, rewarding lives.
There Are Co-Op Options for Health Care, but Major Insurers Don’t Want You To Know
A Consumer Oriented and Operated Plan, or Co-Op, is a non-profit health insurer designed to offer individuals and small businesses more affordable, consumer-friendly health insurance options. However, many consumers …
The Culling of the American Herd
A Harvard/CUNY report that predicted as many as 17,000 Americans may die as a result of some states refusing to expand their Medicaid programs under Obamacare has received little …
Obama Needs Different Health Sign-Up Message to Youth as March 31 Deadline Approaches
Early numbers suggest young people comprise a fourth of insurance purchases. The administration is hoping for a big jump to 40 percent.
Hugo Chavez Frias: In Memory, Solidarity, Commitment to Participatory Democracy and Justice in Peace
Chavez was a bold thinker and a forceful advocate for justice.
William Rivers Pitt | Worse Than the Mob: The Insurance Industry Is Organized Crime
William Rivers Pitt: Abandoning the concept of single-payer health care is the Original Sin of the Affordable Care Act.