Health Care
Single Payer Advocates: How Do We Defeat Health Care for Profit?
The US is one of few industrialized countries which doesn't offer universal healthcare to its citizens.
American Lung Association Contradicts Its Own Mission
The public deserves to know the shameful truth about the American Lung Association.
The GOP Death Panel
Republicans said once Obamacare was passed, government officials would get to ration health care, and as a result, have control over the life and death of millions of Americans.
In Georgia, Lawmakers Taking Pride in Policies That Hurt the Poor
Georgia has taken the lead in the mad dash to thwart the Affordable Care Act and prevent poor people from accessing health care.
Should Health Care Be Rationed? It Already Is
Why don't we make our means-tested system of rationing more rational, and, like other wealthy countries, base it on medical need rather than financial means?
Louisiana’s New Abortion Law Is the First Step in Turning Private Physicians Back Into Illegal Abortion Providers
While clinics are being shut down throughout the country by restrictive and medically unnecessary state laws, patients may soon learn that their last hope - their own private physician …
Lyme Victims from Around US to Gather at IDSA Headquarters and Demand Changes to Guidelines for Lyme
Lyme disease victims from around the US will unite at the Infectious Diseases Society of America headquarters for the 2014 Mayday Project protest.
Ruling Class Racketeers
Sylvia Mathews Burwell is a dream come true from neoliberal heaven (or more aptly, hell) for the elites controlling both sides of the Money Party.
For US Mothers, Conservative Policies Can Be Deadly
For much of the last decade, maternal mortality rates have declined globally. But in the United States, they have consistently increased and are now at one of the highest …
Did the CIA’s Fake Polio Vaccination Program in Pakistan Help Fuel a Global Health Emergency?
The World Health Organization has designated the spread of polio in Asia, Africa and the Middle East a global public health emergency requiring a coordinated “international response.”