Health Care
Big Pharma Urges Women to Fight for Access to Harmful Pill
The pharmaceutical industry is pressuring the FDA to approve a pill for “Female Sexual Disorder” that comes with some significant side effects for many women.
The Uncertainty of Access: Reproductive Health in the Rio Grande Valley
As goes reproductive health-care access in Texas, so may go the nation.
Live From the Ebola Capital of the United States
One lesson we should take away from the first US Ebola case is that the health care we extend to the still-uninsured may be our own.
Criminal Neglect: the Death of Thomas Eric Duncan
Thomas Eric Duncan is one of countless victims of the distorted priorities the government is imposing.
Threat of Ebola Highlights Problems in the US Public Health System
It is likely that Ebola will be contained in the United States, but errors in Texas show we have room for improvement in responding to public health emergencies.
Ebola Hysteria Fever: A Real Epidemic
Ebola hysteria seems to have infected somewhere close to 300 million.
An Unprofitable Disease: In the Political Economy of Ebola, Who Lives and Who Dies?
Science writer Leigh Phillips calls for a socialization of pharmaceutical research and production due to the political and economic circumstances of the spread of Ebola.
A US Nurse Witnesses Ebola’s Ravages in Sierra Leone, Where Horrific Conditions Claim Lives Daily
As the infections of two Dallas nurses fuel concerns about Ebola in the United States, the death toll in West Africa is approaching 5,000.
As Second Dallas Nurse Diagnosed With Ebola, Are US Hospitals Failing Health Care Workers?
As a second health care worker at Dallas' Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital tests positive for Ebola after caring for an infected patien, the CDC has identified what it calls …
How Many Black Histories We Still Don’t Know: An Interview With Simone Leigh
An Interview With Simone Leigh.