Health Care

How We “Blew It” on Obamacare
No one would have to worry about dealing with a greedy for-profit health insurance company ever again if Democrats had pushed for single payer.

Handing More Control to Patients Could Just Be Cost-Cutting in Disguise
In the public consciousness at least, it seems the NHS must remain outside the whims of party politics.

The GOP Is Coming for Obamacare by Any Means Necessary
Republicans aren't waiting until their new compatriots are sworn into office.

Why the Idea of Fair, Affordable Care in the US Is Still a Problem
It is clear Obamacare has another difficult year ahead.

How ACA Fuels Corporatization of American Health Care
We now have a situation where patients are losing confidence in their doctors, while doctors are losing confidence in our ability to do the right thing for our patients.

Bigger Health Care Providers Mean Bigger Profits, but Not Always Better Care
Hospitals are buying private physician practices left and right, and state attorneys general should consider whether such mega-providers violate anti-trust laws.

Are Killers Still in Charge of Our Health Care?
No more Americans should die because of delayed treatments and denied doctors' visits all done in the name of increased profits.

Dean Baker | The Problem of “Stupid” in Economics
There is something grating about seeing a prominent economist refer to the US public as “stupid.”

California Nurses Plan Walkout Over Ebola Protections
About 18,000 California nurses will walk out of the job as a means to pressure Kaiser into providing adequate Ebola training and equipment.

Arizona Agrees to Settlement to Improve Prison Health Care, Limit Use of Solitary Confinement
The ACLU claims that conditions in Arizona prisons caused numerous deaths and preventable injuries.