What Will Happen in Palestine Friday Morning?
Take the pledge to spread the news when the new Palestinian village is established to block land confiscation by the Netanyahu government.
In the Shadow of the Wall: From Gaza to Arizona
More than two decades after the fall of the Berlin wall, what have we learned about barriers that separate people?
Connection to the Land Cannot Be Broken
Regardless of the new shapes the resistance takes or any path the Israelis choose, the Palestiniansu2019 deep connection to and affection for their homeland cannot be broken.
Israeli Army Killing Palestinian Protestors With Impunity, Say Activists
Following chronic failure of IDF investigations, activists release the name of soldier involved in killing of Palestinian protester.
Film Shows Objectivity Elusive in Israel-Palestine Storytelling
A new documentary about the history of Israeli military legal policy in the Palestinian territories reflects on the very nature of professional storytelling itself.
The Compassion of Women of Afghanistan for the Women of Gaza
Here in Afghanistan, a woman whose country is described as a u201chospital,u201d reached out to women in an area called u201can open air prison.u201d
Starving for Recognition: The Plight of Palestinian Political Prisoners
Palestinian prisoners' hunger strikes have faded from the world stage into obscurity.
Clearing the FOG on Palestine, Israel and Egypt
Clearing the FOG radio personalities interview observers of events in Israel, Palestine and Egypt.
Gazan Farmers at Work in Kuzaa
Today, Gazan farmers from Kuzaa, a small village near Khan Younis, worked on their land in defiance of Israeli military harassment. Farmers ploughed approximately seven dunams and then sewed …
Gaza: The Need for the Other Narrative
Frustrated Gazan youth appeal to the world to hear their sorrow and rage, best described years ago by the late Edward Said.