US Senator Filibusters Live Coverage of Powerful Palestinian Testimonies
On Friday, 15 year old Tariq Abukhdeir spoke at a hearing on Capitol Hill about the brutal beating he endured at the hands of Israeli police in early July.
The Massacre of Civilians in Gaza Is Deja Vu All Over Again
In this excerpt from Max Blumenthal's “Goliath,” the author reports on an Israeli attack on Gaza, one of several such IDF campaigns known in Israel as “mowing the lawn.”
Jewish Opposition to Israel’s War Against the Palestinians
These are the emerging voices of a new generation of anti-war Jewish Americans, the millennials
Palestine: The Pulse of Third World Revolt
As bombs drop on Gaza yet again, people across the world are turning to the streets in the tens of thousands to express solidarity with the Palestinians.
Israel and the Erosion of International Humanitarian Law
The Zionist state's present blitzkrieg in Gaza may be the worst of that nation's ongoing series of violations of International humanitarian law.
“Life Is Awful in Gaza”: Two Residents’ Accounts
A teenage blogger and the father of a toddler describe what it's like to be civilians under attack in Gaza.
Israel’s War of Words
Israel's PR campaign rivals the IDF military campaign in its relentless disinformation and repeated untruths. Sadly, but not surprisingly, a majority of Americans endorse the Israeli war campaign in …
Black Caucus: #StandWithKeith to End Gaza Blockade
Rep. Keith Ellison currently stands alone as the sole member of Congress calling for ending Israel's economic blockade on 1.8 million Palestinians in Gaza. You may be able to …
Not in Our Name – Taking Back Judaism From Israel
I am not alone in this pain, people around the world are horrified at the terror Israel is inflicting on the people of Gaza.
Another Descent Into Hell
How do we deal with our inability to feel the horror inflicted on others? The small opportunities that exist must be nurtured.