Food Insecurity

Africa’s Refugee Crisis Deepens: UN Budget Shortfalls Amplify Hunger
Deteriorating conditions for refugees in Africa, exacerbated by budget shortfalls lead to severe food ration cuts.

Adams Administration Fails to Process Food Stamps for Vulnerable New Yorkers
“The consequences of food instability are far-reaching,” one advocate said.

West Palm Beach Activists Face Charges for Sharing Food With Unhoused Community
Florida has the third-largest unhoused population in the country, with 27,487 people experiencing homelessness.

As Hunger Grows Across US, GOP Shutdown Threats Imperil Food Aid Programs
Up to 750,000 children, postpartum adults, and others eligible for WIC could be turned away from the program.

Food Insecurity in US Reaches Its Highest Number Since December 2020
Experts predicted a “looming hunger cliff” back in March. They were right, data shows.

GOP Is Trying to Slash Food Aid to Kids Who Are Already Struggling to Access It
A recent study suggests that more than 53 percent of young kids who are eligible for food aid haven’t been getting it.

Minnesota Becomes 4th State to Provide Free Meals to All Kids at Public Schools
“Let this serve as a reminder that poverty is a policy choice,” said one advocate.

Tribal Nations Seek Regional Food Trade Hubs as SNAP Benefits Expire
The SNAP rollback will disproportionately impact Tribal communities, which already have high rates of food insecurity.

The US Government Helped Mitigate Hunger During the Pandemic. Why Stop Now?
We need to start thinking of hunger as another kind of pandemic and access to nutritious food, a basic human right.

Colonialism Created Food Insecurity in Haiti, Now Climate Change Compounds It
The U.S. must end its unfair trade practices and stop flooding Haiti's markets with food that can be grown locally.