Far Right

Let’s Build Leftist Academic Solidarities to Rebuff Far Right Attacks
To defend space for justice-based scholarship, we must challenge the individualizing logic of the corporate university.

Nearly 300 Republican Midterm Candidates Embrace Trump’s Big Lie, Analysis Finds
The sheer number of candidates who doubt the election is a dire show of the Republican Party’s embrace of fascism.

The Far Right’s Violent Rhetoric Is Escalating, and Includes Talk of “Civil War”
A recent study found that millions of Americans believe the use of violence to further political aims is justified.

A Bill Intended to Protect Journalists Could End Up Boosting Far Right Media
A bill crafted to give local news leverage over Big Tech has drawn fierce criticism despite bipartisan support.

We Have No Option But Hope: Noam Chomsky Talks With David Barsamian
We must have “optimism of the will,” using the opportunities available to fight for a more just world, Chomsky says.

Groups Pushing Right-Wing State Policy Are Raking In $152 Million Each Year
The revenue doesn't include millions more in contributions to advocacy or litigation arms of the State Policy Network.

Will Lula Mount a Sufficient Challenge to Bolsonaro and the Far Right in Brazil?
Two socialist candidates say Brazilians need an electoral force that will fight to undo Bolsonaro's pernicious reforms.

Disapproval of the Supreme Court Is at a Record High, Polling Finds
Over 4 in 10 Americans now say that the Supreme Court is “too conservative” — an all-time high.

Fascist Victory in Italy Signals Rise of “Transnational” Far Right Across Europe
Giorgia Meloni, who leads the Brothers of Italy Party, has become Italy's first far right leader since Benito Mussolini.

61 Percent of Republicans Think US Should Be Declared a Christian Nation
This is a disquieting statistic that demonstrates the rise of far right extremism among the Republican electorate.