Elizabeth Warren
Wells Fargo’s Predatory Practices Are More Than Petty Frauds
Senior banking executives must be held liable and prosecuted for the frauds that occur under their watch.
How to Take on the Banksters
We need real bipartisan efforts to rein in corporate greed and to hold executives accountable when they exploit their employees and defraud their customers.
Greasing the Outstretched Palms of the Candidates
Two reports underline the suffocating influence of the corporate United States on politics and the tricks banks play on taxpayers.
After Three Decades of Neglect, Antitrust Is Back on the Democratic Platform
If elected, would Clinton have the will to enforce the antitrust laws Democrats have neglected since the Reagan years?
Elizabeth Warren Names Trump’s Racism for What It Is: A Political Weapon
Democrats need to amplify Sen. Elizabeth Warren's message if they want to win in November.
William Rivers Pitt | Just a Show: The Calm Sham of the DNC
The conventions carry about as much weight as the party platform. Anyone can talk pretty; it's what you do that counts.
Hillary Clinton’s VP Short List Is Short on Progressives
While Sen. Elizabeth Warren remains an unlikely choice, Clinton's other potential picks include centrists Tim Kaine and Julian Castro.
Wall Street’s Veto Power: Why Warren Is Unlikely to Be Clinton’s Running Mate
Democrats depend on Wall Street money as much as they depend on votes.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren: Top House GOPer “Sprinting Toward Trump Towers” With Dodd-Frank Repeal
The highest ranking Congressman overseeing banking regulation met with Donald Trump in New York Tuesday.
Consumer Protection Bureau Releases Payday Lending Rule, Calls for Credit Union-Style Services
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray touted alternatives to payday lending Thursday.