Elizabeth Warren

Medicare for All Helps Unions by Taking Health Care Off the Bargaining Table
When health care is treated as a universal right, bosses cannot use it as a bargaining tool against workers.

In New Hampshire and Beyond, Medicare for All Is Fueling Sanders’s Rise
Polls show that New Hampshire primary voters consider health care to be the most important issue in the election.

Buttigieg Advocates Boldness But His Policies Are Timid
When it comes to basic issues like health care and education, Buttigieg's policies are anything but bold.

Chief Justice Roberts Forced to Read Warren’s Question About His Legitimacy
Some Democrats have called on the chief justice to override the GOP's refusal to call witnesses.

To Cancel Student Debt, You Don’t Need Congress
All of the 2020 candidates should commit to using executive action to bring immediate relief to student borrowers.

Bernie Sanders Calls Out Trump’s Lie About Saving Social Security
Social Security has become a major topic in the 2020 Democratic presidential race.

Sanders Leads Democrats in New National Poll
Sanders has been experiencing a surge in both national and state-level polling for weeks.

Sanders and Warren Show Differences on Trade and Health Care in Debate
Sanders and Warren disagreed on whether to hold out for ideal solutions or to settle for immediate but limited reforms.

Warren Stands to Gain From Castro Donors After Endorsement
Julián Castro had most donors in common with Sen. Elizabeth Warren compared to other Democratic candidates.

Bernie Sanders Leads in “Gold-Standard” Iowa Poll for First Time
This is the first time in either of his runs for president that Sanders has led this poll.