
Dumbing Down America: The Decline of Education in the US as Seen From Down Under
The American electorate fails to realize it must unite to solve a skyrocketing educational cost and student debt problem that other nations solved a hundred or more years ago, …

Secretary Duncan and the Politics of White Outrage
The nearly universal sweeping outrageu2014some with a level of glee that must not be ignoredu2014calls for close consideration itself.

Democracy and the Detroit Election
Last week, voters in Detroit elected a new mayor, Mike Duggan, to carry on the work of the emergency managers and governor in rebuilding a u201cnew Detroit.u201d

School â„¢: Resist the Feed, Feed the Resistance
While many have commented on how accurate the 11-year old Feed is in its predictions of social networking and mobile technology, its dire predictions on the corporatization of education …

Lean In or Stand Up?
Things worked out great for Sandbergu2019s friendu2014she took the job and her husband learned to buy groceries. Things didnu2019t work out so well for the Newark schools.

Learning and Teaching in Scarcity: How High-Stakes “Accountability” Cultivates Failure
In-school-only reforms will never be the solution for children in high-poverty schools.

A Loss of Ethnic Studies Contributes to Historical Amnesia
The current political trend to undermine and cut ethnic studies programs and particularly Mexican-American studies is being done under the cloak of either preserving u201cAmericanismu201d or implementing u201cnecessaryu201d budget …

Breaking New Ground for Trans Children
While non-heterosexual orientation is punishable by death in some parts of the world, in others the right to choose oneu2019s gender identity has begun to be respected from early …

To Gov. Christie, From the Teacher He Screamed at
“I wanted to know why Gov. Chris Christie portrays New Jersey public schools as failure factories. Apparently that question struck a nerve.”

Parents of Autistic Teen Entrapped by Cops Sue School District
The student was arrested in school in front of his classmates as part of a sting that nabbed 22 students in all, many of them children with special needs.