Donald Trump
Setting the Record Straight: Five Misconceptions About the Trump Rally in Chicago
Donald Trump helped perpetuate misinformation about the cancellation of his rally in Chicago. Allow us to correct him.
From Scapegoating to Solidarity: 2016 Is the Year to Turn the Immigration Debate Around
GOP candidates are campaigning against a nonexistent influx of undocumented immigrants. Now, if only more US voters knew.
William Rivers Pitt | The Frictionless Machine of Modern Fascism
This is the most dangerous election in living memory.
The Year of the Angry Economists
Leading presidential candidates in both political parties are trashing the trade agreements that many economists have devoted their careers to promoting.
No Welcome Mat for Fascism: Stop Whining About Trump’s Right to “Free Speech“
Equating the violence of the oppressor with the actions of those who defend against that violence is an indulgence of white supremacy.
Will Proto-Fascist Donald Trump Rally the Militias and the Right-to-Carry Movement?
Would it be possible for Donald Trump or some future Trump-like figure to build an armed following of his own?
Could Someone Be Killed at a Trump Rally? St. Louis Activist Speaks Out on Friday Campaign Chaos
In St. Louis, Missouri, another Trump rally made headlines Friday when 31 people were arrested.
Clear-Cut Paternity Case
Fracking Becomes an Issue in Presidential Primaries
Sanders made it clear Clinton has the support of establishment players taking money from the oil and gas industry.
The US Military Would Commit President Trump’s War Crimes
The billionaire Republican may be as bad as it gets, but there's no reason to believe the military would refuse to fight his illegal wars.