Donald Trump

Threat Assessment

Iran Will Change When the US Changes
To change Iran's stance, Trump must change Washington's.

Trump Has Broad Power to Block Climate Change Report
Advisers press the administration to subject a draft climate change report to a review that scientists decry as misplaced.

Trump’s Economic Council Implodes as White House Defends White Supremacists
Three members of the forum had already resigned prior to the events in Charlottesville.

Trump’s “Both Sides” Rhetoric: Liberals Beat Him to the Punch
To respectable liberals, a lynch mob is “speech” until someone gets killed.

Pardon Me! High Crimes and Demeanors in the Age of Trump
Blame the evil-doers for the devastation visiting this planet.

Things Trump Will Get Mad At

A Former EPA Adviser on How to Push for Environmental Justice Under Trump
Mustafa Ali discusses what to do now.

Henry A. Giroux | Trump’s Neo-Nazis and the Rise of Illiberal Democracy
Liberal democracy is losing its grip in the US.
