Donald Trump

The “Redneck Revolt” Is Showing Up at Gun Shows and KKK Rallies to Combat White Supremacy
This organization calls on working-class whites to “reject whiteness.”

The Trump Doctrine: Making Nuclear Weapons Usable Again
The fact that Trump would be all-in on making the American nuclear arsenal more usable should come as no surprise.

Virginia Governor Defies Trump on Paris Climate Deal, Pushes Investments in Solar and Wind
At the UN climate summit, a number of US senators, mayors and governors staged a defiant anti-Trump revolt.

The Man Leading the Charge for Trump’s Impeachment
Constitutional law expert John Bonifaz is working to oust the president from the White House.

Trump Fails to Rebuke Duterte for Human Rights Abuses in the Philippines
What happens when one infamously colorful foreign leader meets another?

Is the Trump Administration Planning a First Strike on North Korea?
Wishful thinking is a dangerous strategy for war.

Revenge Is a Rotten Way to Run a Country
Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are subverting Western society and democracy.

Serving the People

There Is More to the Story of Trump’s Latest Unqualified Judicial Nominee
There is more to the story of Trump's latest unqualified judicial nominee.

William Rivers Pitt | Worse Than Jeff Sessions? Let’s Not Find Out
When Jeff Sessions is your best bet, you're in deep trouble.