Donald Trump

William Rivers Pitt | Trump’s $4.4 Trillion Butcher’s Bill
We live in an age of elaborate cruelty.

Beholder in Chief

The GOP’s New Parental Leave Plan Fails Families
If this is their plan, it probably isn't going to help.

Who’s in Charge of the Classified Intelligence About Trump? Trump. It’s a Problem
When ultimate authority over releasing evidence rests with the subject of the investigation, we're in trouble.

Yes, Replacing Food Stamps With Preselected Boxed Food Is as Bad as It Sounds
It's hard to believe this proposal is anything but malicious.

Nothing Is True

Fourteen Environmental Programs Eliminated in Trump’s Budget Proposal
The impact of proposed budget cuts on the EPA will be dramatic.

The Terrorist Violence That Trump Ignores
The findings of a report on the rise in white supremacist violence, including murder.

Trump’s Presidential Portrait: Say Cheese

As Lawmakers Debate Future of DACA, What Will It Take for Democrats to Protect Dreamers?
Rep. Pramila Jayapal discusses immigration.