Donald Trump

Toronto and Tennessee: Two White Suspects, No Trump Tweets
Trump has yet to openly acknowledge a series of attacks in which the perpetrators were white.

Nation’s Richest — Including Trump — About to Enjoy $17 Billion Windfall Thanks to Huge Tax Loophole
“At this point, it's just brazen.”

“A Complete Disaster”: Noam Chomsky on Trump and the Future of US Politics
“We don't need Comey to tell us that Trump is morally unfit,” Chomsky says.

California Leads Nation in Pushing Back Against Trump Administration Health Policies
California's activism could be contagious.

If Cohen Flips on Trump, Let the Wild Rumpus Start
Get ready for a long, hot summer.

Trump’s Plan to Weaponize Space: From “Star Wars” to a “Full-Spectrum Dominance” Security Strategy
Not long before he started a trade war with China and extended sanctions against Russia, President Trump made some offhanded remarks about wanting a US “Space Force” to compliment …

Following Release of Memos, Trump and His GOP Call for Comey’s Imprisonment
The right-wing media, led by unofficial White House chief of staff Sean Hannity, have been calling for indictments of the president's enemies for months.

Will Congress Write the President a Blank Check for War?
Under the guise of fulfilling its constitutional power to authorize military force, Congress is poised to consider legislation that would give the president a blank check to make war, …

Showing “Total Disregard for Indigenous Rights and Public Wishes,” Trump Moves to Open Alaska Wildlife Refuge to Drilling
Critics warn that drilling in the region will have far-reaching impacts.

Trump’s Allies Are Threatening Rod Rosenstein With Impeachment if He Doesn’t Cooperate
Republicans are doing everything they can to distract from the continuing Russia investigation.