Donald Trump

As Donald Trump’s North Korea Deal Collapses, Vladimir Putin Awaits
Trump got hosed by Kim, and Putin has been whispering in his ear. This overseas trip could make it all much worse.

Intentional Chaos: Trump and the Global NATO Alliance
With an untethered Trump focused on Putin, there's concern that he will swing his wrecking ball at NATO allies.

Media, Hardliners Play Up North Korean Nuclear “Deception” Claim
Evidence suggests that some Trump officials want to derail the US-North Korea negotiations.

Less Than Half of Kids Ripped From Parents Will Be Reunited Before Deadline
Last Friday, the Trump administration complained that the deadline imposed by a federal judge could not be met.

Kentucky Governor Retaliates Against Poor After Court Rejects Medicaid Changes
Governor Bevin is using his state's most vulnerable population as pawns in an act of revenge and political spectacle.

Six Lies on Trade
It seems likely that Trump’s trade war will go down in flames.

Trump’s EPA Suppressing Cancer-Causing Chemical Study
Trump appointees at the agency are blocking the release of an assessment on formaldehyde.

Donald Trump Uses Right-Wing Populism to Unite Divergent Groups
Trump himself is not a far rightist but he has used anti-elitism to mobilize the various right wingers.

What Can We Expect From Trump on Morocco’s Occupation of Western Sahara?
Bolton's strong distaste for Morocco and its policies may influence Trump to take a more critical stance.

Affirmative Action in Jeopardy With New DOJ Order and Retirement of Justice Kennedy
Dennis Parker, director of the Racial Justice Program at the American Civil Liberties Union, discusses more.