Donald Trump

The US Missed an Opportunity to Address Inequality During the Great Recession
Dean Baker discusses the realities of the financial crisis of 2008.

The Dubious Fiction of Donald Trump’s Fortune Has Been Exposed
The mythology of the “self-made man” has absorbed a mighty blow.

Muslims in the US Fear Worse Repression If Kavanaugh Joins the Court
Trump could gain even more latitude for anti-Muslim policies if Kavanaugh joins the Supreme Court.

Trump’s New NAFTA Would Drive Up Drug Prices
In addition to increasing medication prices, the new version of NAFTA ignores climate change, critics say.

In Destroying Social Security, GOP Has No Plans for Elderly Americans
Dismantling Social Security will be a top priority for Republicans if they retain a majority in Congress.

Trump Administration Transfers Immigrant Youth to Tent Camp With No Schooling
The “pop-up city” was expanded last month to be able to hold 3,800 children.

The Iran Sanctions: Donald Trump’s Carbon Tax
By imposing sanctions on Iran, Trump has inadvertantly created a carbon tax.

The Proper Response to Trump’s UN Speech Isn’t Laughter, It’s Terror
The US is effectively behaving like a mob boss within the UN, promoting brute force over diplomacy.

Blasey Ford, White Male Privilege and the Reckoning to Come
With Kavanaugh, the GOP is trying to save the patriarchy.

Drug Arrests on the Rise Under Trump
Marijuana arrests increased for the second year in a row, despite legalization in four states.