Donald Trump

Corporate Media Enabled Trump’s Anti-Trans Policies
Mainstream media coverage of marginalized groups targeted by Trump should recognize the humanity of those communities.

Hurricane Michael Survivor Calls Out Climate Denier Politicians
Russell King's house is the only beachfront property in his town to survive the storm with little damage.

Right-Wing Fantasies About Gender Are Killing Trans People
The Trump administration's new plan to redefine gender threatens to roll back decades of efforts by trans advocates.

Nuclear Arms Race Feared as US Quits Key Treaty With Russia
On Saturday, Trump vowed to build new nuclear weapons.

The Longest Goodbye: Why the Clintons Need to Leave the Stage
For 30 years, the Clintons have been the face of the Democratic Party. It is enough.

Dissident Saudi Professor Asks, “Is America Just an Arms Dealer?”
“The Khashoggi affair is not only about Saudi Arabia,” Madawi Al-Rasheed says.

Critics Say Trump’s New Rule on Drug-Pricing Disclosure Doesn’t Go Far Enough
Drug pricing is a top issue in the run-up to the midterm elections.

Trump’s Attack on Medicare for All Has Industry Fingerprints All Over It
It’s no surprise that the health insurance industry went right to the White House.

The Terrible Trump Portrait That Explains Everything
Nixon, Reagan and W. Bush made Donald Trump possible.

Trump’s Post-Midterm Plans: Cut Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid
Protecting the safety net will be a top priority for many voters in the upcoming election.