Donald Trump

Trump Tax Cuts at Election Time: Failing on Schedule
The tax cut is turning out as most of us expected: a huge handout to people who were already very rich.

Trump’s Anti-Trans Memo Opens Door to Escalating State Surveillance
It's part of a broader agenda to weaponize immigration, labor, economic, reproductive and policing policies.

Broad-Daylight Fascism and the Bombs of October
Someone was listening to Donald Trump, and decided to pull the pin.

Trump’s Transphobic Attack Is Cruel Beyond All Definition
The left has a duty to not only resist the Trump administration's transphobia, but put forward a positive vision.

What, Me Worry?
Trump responds to a stark UN panel warning on climate change.

Protest Tax: Trump Administration Wants to Charge for First Amendment Rights
CounterSpin interviews Mara Verheyden-Hilliard on anti-protest rules.

Pipe Bombs Point to How Trump’s Rhetoric Emboldens Violence
Federal authorities have launched an investigation after pipe bombs were sent to a number of prominent Democrats.

Trump Blames Media for Package Bombs
“Trump's message to the media (and I guess Democrats): If you criticize me, you'll get more bombs,” said Igor Volsky.

Mysteries Are Great Again
Another case solved by the world's greatest president-detective.

House Democrats Could End Federal Marijuana Ban in 2019. Will They?
If Democrats don't make bold moves, President Trump could take credit for ending federal prohibition.