Donald Trump

“It’s a Mean and Nasty World Out There,” Says Trump, Defending Khashoggi Murder
In Thanksgiving Day tweets, the president took a moment to once again defend the murderous Saudi royal family.

Years Later, Trump Still Calls for Hillary Clinton to Be “Locked Up”
Former White House counsel Don McGahn had to talk Trump out of ordering the Justice Department to prosecute Clinton.

Federal Judge Blocks Asylum Ban, Saying President Can’t Rewrite Immigration Law
Baher Azmy, one of the lawyers who sued Trump over the ban, discusses more.

White House Bans Follow-Up Questions From Reporters
If journalists refuse to comply with these rules, they may be suspended or have their press passes revoked.

Climate Change Denial Is Raking the Ashes of Paradise
There will be more and larger fires to come, and the price to be paid will continue to rise.

Pro-Trump Dark Money Group’s Tax Return Reveals Millions in Undisclosed Spending
Despite the implications of a group misreporting its political spending, substantial consequences are unlikely.

Shattering Europe? Why Trump’s Paris Fiasco Really Matters.
Trump's relationship with Europe is mired in vitriolic tweets, falsehoods and a fondness for far-right groups.

Donald Trump’s Fascist Politics and the Language of Disappearance
Trump’s language seems buffoonish, but he’s no clown. His rhetoric is meant to destroy thought and democracy.

Trump’s Military Deployment to the US-Mexico Border Is Illegal
The Posse Comitatus Act forbids use of the military to enforce domestic US laws, including immigration laws.

How Newly Elected Attorneys General Could Thwart Trump’s Worst Moves
Attorneys general need to be willing to consistently bring lawsuits against the presidential agenda.