Donald Trump

Senate Votes to End US Role in Yemen War
In a resounding rebuke to Trump, the Senate voted 56-41 to end US support of the Saudi war.

US Seeks to Dilute Pact to Cut Carbon Emissions
The UN issued a dire warning Wednesday that nations must act now to save humanity from devastating climate change.

The Trump Administration Is Getting Sued for Failing to Protect Giraffes
Animal advocacy and conservation organizations are taking the Trump administration to court.

The White House Is Working on a Plan to Deport Vietnam War Refugees
Deporting people who have lived in the US for decades, and who are here because of US involvement, is a disgrace.

Trump Guts Protections for 60 Percent of US’s Streams, Wetlands and Waterways
Trump is handing over our country to corporate polluters and other industrial interests.

Will Trump Dump Pence for Nikki Haley?
The faraway look in Pence's eye may be the result of his coming to terms with being Trump's next castoff.

Unindicted and Excited
Gotta respect those norms!

Trump’s Attorney General Nominee Helped Bush Sr. Get Away With Murder
William Barr, an Iran-Contra alum, is a menace to the cause of justice.

Under Trump, More People Live Without Health Coverage
Ongoing efforts to sabotage Medicaid and deny coverage to immigrant families will increase the uninsured.

If There’s No “Smocking” Gun, Why Is Trump So Terrified?
If Mueller’s endgame isn’t here just yet, it’s close.