The Rise of Chicago’s 99% Against Rahm Emanuel, “Mayor 1%“
Will Rahm Emanel's effort to establish a privatized neoliberal outpost in Chicago succeed? Not if the ongoing uprising brushfires turn from kindling wood into a contemporary Chicago fire of …
The Tea Party Setting: A Longer View
Is there any hope for relief from this bleak formula? Part of the answer depends upon whether at some point the veil of denial begins to shred.
Ramblin’ Man, John Kerry Is a Figure of His Times (and That’s Not a Good Thing)
The secretary of state has been stumbling and bloviating from one crisis to the next, one debacle to another, surrounded by the well-crafted imagery of diplomatic effectiveness.
Support for Robin Hood Tax Growing, but Majority of Democrats Not on Board
Robin Hood tax supporters National Nurses United, economist Jeffrey Sachs, and European Parliament VP tell Congress to support “no brainer” tax on Wall Street.
Obamacare: The Biggest Insurance Scam in History
Health care is a human right, and it is at the center of the conflict of our times, the battle between the people and corporate interests.
Mike Lofgren | The Revolt of the Lower Middle Class and the Stupidity of the Elites
Why do Tea Party adherents favor policies that are often directly counter to their economic interests?
Don’t Even Talk About Cuts
Here is a guiding message Democrats should use from here on out: Jobs help the economy. Cuts hurt the economy. Donu2019t even talk about any more cuts.
After Budget Deal, Time to Move Forward
Democrats still accept the GOP's parameters for the budget debate, and until they reject their framework, we are doomed to repeat our failures again and again.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Senate Leaders Reached a Deal Monday to End the Economic Standoff, and More
Monday evening, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell negotiated a deal to end the economic standoff.
Boehner in the Catbird’s Seat
By taking up the Obamacare battle, Boehner's grip on the speakership may be tightening, not loosening.