Defund Police

We Must Defund Militarization From the Local Police to the Pentagon
Renaming military bases that honor white supremacists is an empty gesture if it's tied to increasing military budgets.

Oakland School Board Unanimously Votes to Disband Its Own Police Force
For decades, parents in Oakland have questioned whether the district-managed police force was necessary.

Defund the Police. Invest in Black Farmers.
We have an opportunity right now to turn this painful conversation around policing into one about life and growth.

Corporations Are Bankrolling US Police Foundations Without Public Oversight
Police foundations across the country are partnering with corporations to raise money to supplement police budgets.

911 Services That Dispatch Mental Health Counselors, Not Cops, Gain Traction
Austin’s Expanded Mobile Crisis Outreach Team is gaining interest but isn't a panacea for ableist police violence.

The GOP’s Police Reforms Won’t Do It. We Need to Defund the Police.
The GOP police reform bill seems more concerned with stopping the protests than stopping the abuses that sparked them.

Police Departments Attempt a Charm Offensive Amid Uprisings
Kneeling in “solidarity” with protesters is another attempt by police to gaslight people’s lived experience of policing.

The Movement to Uplift Black Lives and Defund Police Can No Longer Be Ignored
Activists in Minneapolis and mourners in Houston discuss the future of the movement following George Floyd's killing.

Defunding the Police Is Not the End Goal. It’s the First Step.
Abolition is not just a divestment from policing, but the creation and resourcing of fundamentally different priorities.

Police Have Long History of Responding to Black Movements by Playing the Victim
Amid calls to defund police, cops are framing themselves as victims. We must remember who is really being brutalized.