
We Did Not “Lose” Loved Ones and Normal Life to COVID. They Were Stolen.
Shipments of vaccine are spoiling because Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” distribution process was smoke and mirrors.

All 10 GOP Senators Behind Skimpy COVID Proposal Gave the Military $740 Billion
The watered-down proposal currently calls for reducing Biden's proposed direct payments from $1,400 to $1,000.

Black Americans Are Left Behind as Vaccine Rollout Expands
The ongoing vaccination gap has prompted officials across the country to call for action.

Congress Took on Vital Health Issues in Last Month’s Massive Spending Bill
The legislative package also addressed surprise medical billing, mental health coverage and other critical matters.

Little-Known Federal Volunteer Unit Remains Underutilized for Mass Vaccinations
Some public health experts are urging the Biden administration to ramp up the little-known Medical Reserve Corps.

New Surge of COVID Is Spreading “Like Wildfire” in Illinois Prisons
Despite the introduction of mass testing, people in Illinois prisons and jails are still contracting COVID-19.

Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Is a Vital Beginning for a New New Deal
The next step should be to enact truly transformative progressive economic programs and rein in Wall Street.

New York May Have Underreported COVID Deaths at Nursing Homes by 50 Percent
New York reports nursing home deaths differently than other states, which may be obscuring the actual death count.

Progressives Warn Against Scaling Back Relief Bill to Gain GOP Support
The Biden White House is reportedly weighing the possibility of splitting its proposed COVID relief package in two.

Experts Say We Must End Big Pharma Monopoly on COVID Vaccine Supply and Price
Leaders in the Global South and global health advocates are increasingly decrying vaccine hoarding by richer countries.