
As More Info Emerges on Omicron, Trump’s Old COVID Lies Continue to Kill People
The virus is on the uptick, and Omicron is likely to hit unvaccinated people hardest.

Senate Votes Against Biden Vaccine-or-Test Mandate, Thanks to Manchin and Tester
The Republican-led repeal push comes amid the rapid spread of the COVID-19 variant Omicron.

People in Prison Organize Collectively for Survival. We All Need to Learn How.
“In a death-making institution, the formation of a social life-support system is a rebellious act,” says Kelly Hayes.

Warren Slams Hertz for Raising Prices 147 Percent While Pursuing $2B in Buybacks
The company paid out about $19 million in bonuses to executives surrounding its bankruptcy.

Where Are the Damn PCR Tests Already? It’s Been 21 Months!
The staggering lack of easily available testing remains a glaring national crisis.

Continuing Vaccine Apartheid Could Herald “Wave After Wave of Variants”
While disastrous for the global poor, Omicron’s rise has been a major boon for top investors in Pfizer and Moderna.

Top Shareholders of Pfizer and Moderna Made Over $10 Billion After Omicron Arose
Moderna's CEO added over $800 million to his personal fortune after stock prices soared in response to the variant.

Poll Finds Most Young Americans Say US Democracy Is “in Trouble” or “Failed”
The poll comes as young Americans are poised to inherit monumental political, economic and environmental challenges.

With Omicron in US, GOP Hard-Liners Are Still Trying to Thwart Vaccine Mandates
A government shutdown over COVID protections looms -- even as a concerning new variant spreads.

Biden to Announce New COVID Approach, Including Reimbursements for At-Home Tests
The administration plans to increase testing measures, promote boosters and enact stricter travel requirements.