We Don’t Have to Choose Between Our Health and the Economy
We can protect public health and economic security so we can quarantine safely and reopen when it is safe.
Protecting Public Health Requires COVID-19 Treatments to Be Patent-Free
Congress could declare treatment development is a response to a national emergency and can’t be subject to patents.
The Stay-at-Home Orders Trump Mocked Likely Saved Nearly a Quarter Million Lives
Stay-at-home orders likely prevented 232,878 deaths and resulted in 2.1 million fewer hospital visits, the study said.
71 New COVID Cases Detected in Wisconsin Following GOP-Enforced In-Person Voting
Dozens of individuals who voted in-person or worked at polls during the spring elections have contracted the disease.
How Will COVID-19 Change the World?
Historian Frank Snowden discusses epidemics from the Black Death to smallpox to COVID-19.
Far Right Extremists Hope to Incite New Civil War Amid Political Chaos of COVID
What happens this year will be a key turning point on the path from democracy to fascism.
COVID Deaths in US Approach 100,000 as Trump Administration Misleads Public
We must not let this become another body count like all the others this nation has grown far too accustomed to ignoring.
House Democrats Demand State Dept. Reveal “Secret Plan” to Slash Social Security
An internal department plan reportedly proposes giving Americans direct COVID relief payments in exchange for the cuts.
Imagine a World Where All Workers Are “Essential,” But Not All Leaders Are
Given their greed, ineptitude and callousness, we should reconsider how essential CEOs and our “leaders” really are.
US Deportations Are Exporting COVID-19 to Latin America and the Caribbean
There have been over 100 cases of deported migrants testing positive for COVID-19 upon arrival in their countries.