
Health Care Workers’ Complaints Show the Morbid Dangers They Face During COVID
Workers have been threatened by unjust firings, lack of protective equipment and negligent management.

Trump Is Bringing Back His Daily COVID Press Briefings
The daily briefings were infamous for peddling false and contradictory information for how to best combat the disease.

“How Are Our Students Going to Stay Safe?” Teachers Protest School Reopenings
Over the past week, educators protested against a fall reopening in Arizona, Texas, Mississippi, and elsewhere.

The Most Dangerous President Ever Threatens Not to Leave Office, Again
Trump delivered what may come to be seen as the worst interview of his entire presidency to date on Sunday.

Southern Governors Are Finally Making Their States Mask Up
As COVID cases spike across the South, even some of the most conservative governors have instituted statewide mandates.

Top US Airlines Plan Thousands of Layoffs When CARES Act Ban Expires
Unions are urging Congress to extend relief, but airlines say they'll only accept bailouts with no restrictions.

Environmental Watchdogs Failed Neighborhoods of Color During Pandemic
Agencies meant to protect residents are instead rolling back regulations and allowing industries to continue polluting.

Trump Blocks CDC Experts From Testifying to Education Panel on School Reopenings
Educators and public health experts have denounced as reckless the Trump administration's push to reopen schools.

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear Wants to Give Black Residents Health Coverage
State Representative Attica Scott says the effort is just a “short-term Band-aid.”

Worker-Run News Outlets Are Good News for the Labor Movement
The publishers of Payday Report, a crowdfunded publication focused on labor issues, discuss worker-run journalism.