
Climate Disruption Dispatches, With Dahr Jamail
The reality of Anthropogenic Climate Disruption (ACD) continues to outstrip our ability to model worst-case scenarios, as it is happening so much faster than was ever anticipated. Sixty-three percent …

The West’s Coming Tragedy of the Commons
John Wesley Powell and FDR warned about the California and Colorado Basin droughts and proposed ecological solutions that Congress ignored. We are beginning to reap the whirlwind.

Developed Nations Give Up on Stopping Climate Change, Turn to Mitigating Impact, Largely Abandoning Third World
Inu00a0"Windfall," McKenzie Funk writes about those who would make money off of climate change, acknowledging the droll ironies of a society that can profit from its own self-destruction.

Neoliberalism, “Just Desserts” and the Post-Climate Crisis Economy
There's absolutely nothing to lose by taking the high ground.

This Is What Happened When Scholastic Tried To Bring Pro-Coal Propaganda to School
“The United States of Energy” was a colorful series of lessons on the advantages of coal, aimed at 4th-graders, and sponsored by Big Coal. Here's how educators and activists …

Profiteers Are Lining Up To Make Money Off Global Warming
Yes, there are profiteers positioned to make fortunes off of the misery of climate change. Read about the details in “Windfall: The Blooming Business of Global Warming.”

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Next Report From the IPCC Is Due in March, and More
The next report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is due at the end of March, and according to the Associated Press, we shouldn't expect good news, and …

Climate Activists Must Heed the Lessons of North Carolina
Climate change activists should look to North Carolina for lessons on how to build a broad and diverse movement powerful enough to challenge the corrupt status quo on several …

Meteorologist Jeff Masters: Climate Change Affecting Weather Patterns Regardless of Season
Governors have declared states of emergencies from Louisiana to New Jersey due to a massive snow and ice storm.

Environmentalists’ Valentine Day Wish: Stop Selling Bee-Harming Plants
Dennis vanEngelsdorp: While an outright ban on insecticide use would be shortsighted and harmful to agricultural production, home gardeners should not use insecticides, fungicides and pesticides - the ideal …