Climate Crisis
Nuclear Power Plant Flood Risk: Sandy Was Just a Warm-Up
To some people, the NRCu2019s timeline of five years for the completion of Tier 1 reassessments and changes, and the lack of deadlines for Tiers 2 and 3 is …
Climate Change, Polar Bears, Ice Caps
Has “Idiot America” Become More Idiotic?
In an interview with Truthout, Charles P. Pierce, author of
Colonialism and the Green Economy: The Hidden Side of Carbon Offsets
Cap-and-trade has hidden costs few know about.
If You’re Reading This, the World Hasn’t Ended – Yet
But give us another 100 years of climate change and we'll get there.
Thousands Remain Displaced From Sandy Without Heat and Power
Residents desperate for government assistance for rebuilding and mold remediation seven weeks after Sandy.
War on Science: Evolution, Climate Change, and the Curious House Committee on Science
What do many Republicans in the House of Representatives have in common with the 17th century Spanish Inquisition? Both have waged a war on science.
Europe’s Energy Transformation, and Why We’re Being Left in the Dust
The powerful story we don't know: Europe's energy transformation.
Doha Climate Summit Ends With No New CO2 Cuts or Funding
‘It's very clear that countries’ economic interests dominate the negotiations,' said an environmental NGO leader from Central America.
“Your Governments Have Failed You”: Syrian-American Student Calls for Climate Justice
Speaking on behalf of youth organizations, Munira Sibai criticized the actions of world leaders as she addressed the UN Climate Change Conference.