Climate Crisis
As Typhoon Hagupit Wreaks Havoc, Leading Filipino Environmental Voice Silenced at UN Climate Talks
The Philippines is being hit by a deadly typhoon for the third year in a row.
Civil Disobedience Is an Act of Love: An Interview With Tim DeChristopher
“I think the environmental movement has missed the boat to some extent by failing to incorporate spiritual values,” DeChristopher says.
Dahr Jamail | Extinction Rate Rivals That of Dinosaurs, 2014 Likely Hottest Year Ever
The earth's sixth mass extinction event could already be unfolding.
The Partitioning of Brazil’s Ocean and Rivers Threatens Small-Scale Fishing Families
A model for large-scale fish production in Brazil has resulted in the displacement of small-scale fishing families.
ALEC Opposes Efforts to Combat Climate Change at All Costs
Midterm Republican victories may make ALEC's terrifying environmental agenda a reality.
Cultivating Climate Justice: A Tale of Two Cities
This is a tale of two US cities building solutions to the climate crisis from the bottom up.
Keystone XL Can Be a Win-Win for Us
If the Keystone pipeline is approved, we can still win. If it is approved, that is a call to action.
Seeds of the Future
A handful of farmers and crop scientists are struggling to save the fast diminishing stock of agricultural diversity.
The Battle for the Media and Meteorology: The Politics of the Thermometer
Although climate change reporting is increasing in publications such as The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Guardian, major US networks are not increasing their reporting.
For Climate Justice, My 11-Year-Old Brother Stopped Speaking – and Started Being Heard
An 11-year-old indigenous activist has vowed not to speak until world leaders take effective action to halt climate change.