Climate Crisis
Anthropology Apology
If you do not recycle your plastic, it can sit in landfills for a couple hundred years!
An Open Letter to Obama: If You Want Money for the Climate, Tax Wall Street
An innovative new tax could fund climate transition and help rebuild the social safety net. So why is the White House knocking it?
Capitalism Could Kill All Life on Earth
Capitalism is great at creating profits and products - but it doesn't care about environmental justice.
A Fossil-Fueled Fantasy
Coal-burning power plants that capture carbon aren't worth the expense.
Hijacking the Anthropocene
How the anti-green Breakthrough Institute misrepresents science to advance a technocratic agenda and undermine grassroots environmentalism.
Coal Conspiracy: Stoking Climate Disaster at the BLM
Despite a so-called War on Coal, the feds are issuing new coal leases that will put more CO2 in the atmosphere than Keystone.
Burrito Gases
Doctor Burrito returns to investigate the gases escaping from some nearby burrito farms.
Christian Parenti on the State, Humanity as Part of Nature and the Malleability of Capitalism
The author, journalist and professor discusses how human society has and can be a positive force to protect the environment.
Carbon Tax or Carbon Market?
The most effective policy for slowing global warming would be a tax on carbon, according to climate economists.
Paddle Up! Resistance to Shell’s Arctic Drilling Grows on Land and Sea
Seafaring activists are planning a direct action off the coast of Washington State to protest Shell's plan to drill in the Arctic.