Climate Crisis
Pushing for the Dismantling of Anti-Climate, Pro-War Economies
James Hansen wants profits to be tied to lower carbon emissions.
They Knew, They Lied: ExxonMobil and Climate Change
ExxonMobil was aware of the existence and dangers of global climate change as early as 1981.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: We’re Running Out of Time to Save Our Species, and More
That's the warning issued recently by scientists.
A Buddhist Perspective on the Pope’s Climate Statement
His words boldly proclaim that humanity is charged with the gravest moral responsibility.
Marla Spivak: Breeding Bees to Detect Disease
With honeybee populations on the decline, scientists, lawyers, and even artists have set out to save humanity's most important pollinators.
Dahr Jamail | Mass Extinction: It’s the End of the World as We Know It
Citing abrupt climate disruption, evolutionary biologist Guy McPherson argues that humans may soon face our own extinction.
Staying Human in Time of Climate Change: Author on Science, Grief and Hope
For geographer and author M Jackson, knowing climate science isn't enough. We need to get our hearts involved too.
Pope Calls for Rethinking the Outdated Criteria That Rule the World
Pope Francis' revolutionary encyclical addresses not just climate change but the banking crisis.
Melting Arctic Ice Is a Warning, but Oil Companies See It as a Chance to Drill
Greenpeace International's Ben Stewart discusses his new book about the struggle to free 30 climate activists imprisoned in Russia for protesting Arctic oil drilling.
Inequality and Climate Change: Joseph Stiglitz and Nicholas Stern in Conversation
The experts discuss the intersection of climate change and inequality.