A Renewed Discourse on Inequality
Corporate personhood and the civil and criminal protections it affords exacerbate inequality and destroy principles.
Capitalism’s Crisis of Value and Imagination
In this excerpt from his forthcoming book, “Crises of Imagination, Crises of Power,” Max Haiven postulates the need to reclaim and reimagine the commons, to restore humanity and human …
Three More States Seek to Curb Reckless Outsourcing of Public Services, Protect Taxpayers
CA, GA, OK introduce bills promoting accountability and transparency in deals to outsource public services to for-profit corporations.
CVS Shows That Big Government Is Working
Today, CVS Caremark, the second-largest drugstore chain in the country, announced that it will stop selling all tobacco products by October 1.
Finance Is Super Rational About Profits, Irrational About Global Economy
Economics professor Heiner Flassbeck says the “market” is good for making high profits from international exchange rates; the only rational solution for a healthy economy is take exchange rates …
Calvin and Jobs: Why the Right Hates (but Still Needs) Social Welfare
Calvinism's embrace of wealth as a sign of divine election lives on in the red state/blue state religious and social welfare divides.
Political Corruption and Capitalism
Corruption is endemic to the capitalist system and has not been successfully regulated away. Perhaps a system change is warranted, suggests Richard D Wolff.
Bully Nation
“The individual bully is the creation of the bully nation,” according to sociologists Yale Magrass and Charles Derber, who note that bullying Chris Christie-style is a product of a …
Rulers’ Ideas Rule
Contrarians of the world should unite to identify and challenge these ruling ideas.
Open Letter to the 85 Richest People on the Planet (cc: Kevin O’Leary)
Kevin O'Leary's recent remarks inspire this open letter to the 85 richest people in the world.