An Indictment of the Invisible Hand
Economist Thomas Piketty's new book has stunned both the economic profession and most political observers. But the economic mainstream is not truly dealing with its most serious implications.
Highway Trust Fund Bankruptcy Will Halt Nation’s Transportation Projects
Today, various kinds of public works projects, including repairs to the nation's ailing highways and bridges, risk being halted before completion.
Arundhati Roy: Another World Is Not Only Possible, She Is on Her Way
“Capitalism: A Ghost Story” is a passionate, detailed journey through the injustices of systemic inequality.
Jesus Is an Economic Engine: Dismantling the Metaphoric Mechanization of Everything
The metaphors we use matter, and “economic engine” is one we need to lose - now.
The Pay’s the Thing: How America’s CEOs Are Getting Rich Off Taxpayers
Income inequality will continue to rise unless we close the performance pay loophole and curb the growth of executive compensation.
Markets Are the Problem (Not the Solution)
The plight of the workers is outside the purview of those who sell their architectural services or purchase the palatial homes; it is not a part of the market …
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Groups Hold Week of Action for Better Wages, and More
Last year, median CEO pay jumped to $10.5 million dollars - an increase of about 13 percent. However, most workers didn't see their paychecks go up by a single …
University of Maine Faculty Reinstated After Students Protest Against Cuts
USM Assistant Professor Meghan Brodie and USM student Meaghan LaSala discuss how this victory marks the beginning of a push to look to other efficient ways to fill the …
Was Marx Right?
Yves Smith: As income disparity has widened enormously and class mobility has eroded, Marx's idea of class warfare seems particularly apt.
Why No Sustained Protests (Yet)?
Lingering effects of the organized post-1945 destruction of the New Deal coalition helps explain continuing austerity and other anti-democratic policies pursued by US governments, says economist Richard Wolff