Beware of Philanthro-Capitalists Bearing Gifts
The philanthro-capitalists have silenced their critics. The question is how, and for how long.
The Duality of 21st-Century Capitalism
The silver lining to the exploitation of workers has been the ever-growing standard of living resulting from the expansion of capitalism.
Reform Is Not Enough to Stem the Rising Tide of Inequality Worldwide
Elites' reformist strategies to address global inequality seek to avoid a social transformation away from capitalism.
Economic Update: Economics and Real Issues
This episode provides updates on bikes displacing cars in Europe, and more.
Why Philanthropy Actually Hurts Rather Than Helps Some of the World’s Worst Problems
“Philanthrocapitalists” can't resolve the problems created by capitalism.
Economic Update: Capitalism and/or Socialism
This episode provides updates on Spain's new left government, and more.
William Rivers Pitt | Christmas in the Form of a Dream
Daddy, is Santa Claus real? Yes, dear, just as real as capitalism.
Debunking the Magnitude of Markets: A Holiday Story
If one applied market principles to a holiday meal, a guest might suggest charging the host to help clear the table after dinner.
What the “War on Terror” Really Is, and How to Fight It
The purpose is to promote a state of chaos that makes it easier to remove any resistance to the US capitalist class.
Capitalism – Not China – Is to Blame for the Current Global Economic Decline
The cause of global economic decline is the capitalist contradiction that can no longer be postponed by credit extension.