Economic Update: Capitalism’s Leaders
This week's episode discusses the Senate's dueling health bills, minimum wage cuts and more.
Imperialism Is Alive and Kicking: A Marxist Analysis of Neoliberal Capitalism
International finance capital enforces the imperialism of today, says Marxist economist Prabhat Patnaik.
Economic Update: Addiction, Capitalism and 12-Step Programs
This week's episode discusses car loans, sales showing falsity of economic “recovery” claims, the G-20 meetings coordinating global austerity and more.
Greece Has Been a Laboratory on a Way Out of a Capitalist Crisis
The crisis in Greece has no end in sight.
“Trying to Build in the Rubble of Neoliberalism”: Michelle Alexander and Naomi Klein on Bringing Movements Together
How do we envision the movements necessary to get beyond the existential threats to the planet and its people?
Beyond Celebrity Politics and Capitalism: From Justin Trudeau to Bernie Sanders, and More
“We need to question the celebrity relationship with politicians that has colonized the whole political spectrum,” says Naomi Klein.
Optimism in the Face of Crisis: How the Left Will Win
By taking away even the hope of social mobility from the middle and lower classes, the oligarchs are tempting revolution.
How Free Is “Free” Labor?
Leela Yellesetty explains why exploitation is the secret behind the inequality built into capitalism.
Economic Update: Capitalism’s Shadow of Poverty
This week's episode discusses European sanctuary cities, the automation of McDonald's and more.
“The Vulnerable Have Entered a More Precarious State Than Ever”: Marc Lamont Hill on Neoliberalism’s “Nobodies“
Marc Lamont Hill discusses neoliberalism, the plea bargain system and the current callous politics of disposability.