At COP20 UN Climate Talks, Canada Is Representing the Fossil Fuel Industry
The influence of fossil fuels transcends this conference.
Kinder Morgan Leaves Burnaby Mountain in Win for Pipeline Protesters
The land on which Kinder Morgan intended to build the expansion is the unceded traditional territory of the Tseil-Waututh, Musqueam, Sto:lo and Squamish Nations.
Western Media Turn Blind Eye to Shameful Vote at UN on Nazism by US, Canada and Europe
The US, Canada and Ukraine voted against a UN resolution committing to combatting racism.
Thanksgiving and the Socialist Imaginary
Mainstream progressive politicians lack utopia, a vision of a fundamentally different society.
Fossil Free Canada Convergence Deepens an International Movement
The Canadian Youth Climate Coalition hosted the first-ever Fossil Free Canada Convergence.
Did GMO Corn Really Kill All Those Bees in Canada?
What is the current situation with pesticides and bees, and who really is to blame?
After Attacks, Canadian Lawmakers Threaten Basic Human Rights
The Harper government is capitalizing on two recent attacks to curtail Canadians' civil rights.
Attack on Canadian Parliament Fuels “Anti-Terror” Laws, Ignoring Ties to Mental Illness, Drug Abuse
As Canada mourns the death of a soldier gunned down while standing guard at the National War Monument in Ottawa, Prime Minister Stephen Harper is pushing new anti-terrorism legislation.
Canadian MPs Vote to Expand Support to Fight IS
The Canadian Parliament devoted most of the day Monday and Tuesday to discussing the government's plan to deploy F-18 fighter jets and 600 troops in a six-month air combat …
Lyme Disease Surges North, and Canada Moves Out of Denial
One of the clearest signs of health risks in a warming world has emerged in Canada as it struggles to cope with Lyme disease's migration into North America.