Book Bans
Historians Condemn Philly Museum for Hosting Right-Wing Moms for Liberty Event
Moms for Liberty aims “to obstruct the professional responsibilities of historians,” one historians' group said.
Our Fight Against Censorship Must Go Beyond Resisting Book Bans
In the chaotic fight against historical and cultural erasure, we must remember that we, ourselves, have stories to tell.
A Single Parent’s Complaint Leads School District to Ban Amanda Gorman Poem
Book bans like the one against her poem “[rob] children of the chance to find their voices in literature,” Gorman said.
The Fight Against Book Bans Is Mobilizing a New Generation of Student Activists
As the right bans books on LGBTQ issues and racial justice, youth are getting a crash course in collective organizing.
Florida Activists Say DeSantis’s Extremism Will Haunt Him in Presidential Race
As Gov. Ron DeSantis pivots to the national stage, backlash to his authoritarianism builds in Florida.
Ed Department Says GA District May Have Violated Students’ Rights With Book Bans
The Department of Education’s ruling could have implications for other districts considering book bans.
How Can We Resist Book Bans? This Banned Author Has Ideas.
We must foster critical thinking and direct action to combat book bans, sociologist Joe Feagin says.
Groups and Parents File Lawsuit Against Florida District for Banning Books
The banning of books by the school district violates parents' and authors' First Amendment rights, the lawsuit contends.
Florida Officials Reject 35 Percent of Social Studies Textbooks Submitted
Of the 66 books approved, nearly 50 were forced to undergo edits to sections on racial justice in order to be allowed.
Defunding Libraries Won’t End Book Bans — It Will Further Undermine Libraries
Right-wingers have managed to reverse-psychology a blue state into doing the work of destroying civil society for them.